
2013 FRC Java API


Package com.sun.squawk

Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM.


Interface Summary
ClassTunnel Interface to enable calling constructor of java.lang.Class.
Driver Simple interface for device drivers.
Isolate.LifecycleListener Monitor isolate lifecycle events such as shutdown, hibernate, and unhibernate.
TranslatorInterface The TranslatorInterface is the interface by which new classes can be created and loaded into the runtime system.

Class Summary
Address The Address class is used to abstract machine addresses.
ByteBufferDecoder A byte buffer dencoder can be used to decode a byte array of values encoded with a byte buffer encoder.
ByteBufferEncoder A byte buffer encoder can be used to build a byte array of values encoded using a space-saving encoding.
CallbackManager Class that manages callbacks for occasional events, which might be notified by isolate's other than the one that regsistered the callback objects.
CheneyCollector The classic two-space Cheney garbage collector.
ClassFileConstantField An instance of ClassFileConstantField encapsulates all the symbolic information of a field declaration in a class file that has a ConstantValue attribute.
ClassFileField An instance of ClassFileField encapsulates all the symbolic information of a field declaration in a class file.
ClassFileMember An instance of ClassFileMember encapsulates all the common symbolic information of a field or method declaration in a class file.
ClassFileMethod An instance of ClassFileMethod encapsulates all the symbolic information of a method declaration in a class file.
CrossIsolateThread CrossIsolateThread is a package-private thread class that is allowed to be created in one isolate, but execute in the context of another isolate.
Debugger A Debugger is an object that acts as a conduit between an isolate being debugged and an attached JPDA debugger client.
Debugger.Event An Event instance encapsulates the details of an event that occurred in the VM that an attached JPDA debugger client may want to be notified about.
Debugger.LocationEvent A LocationEvent includes extra detail about the location (method and instruction offset) at which an event occurred.
Debugger.SingleStep A SingleStep instance represents the stepping state of a thread that is currently performing a single step.
DebuggerSupport Provides support for the Squawk Debugger Agent SDA Some of this is to fit in to package encapsulation.
DebuggerSupport.SlotSetter A SlotSetter is a kind of StackInspector that can set the value of a slot
DebuggerSupport.StackInspector A StackInspector instance is used in conjunction with DebuggerSupport.inspectStack(com.sun.squawk.DebuggerSupport.StackInspector, com.sun.squawk.ExecutionPoint, int) to traverse one or more stack frames in a suspended thread.
ExceptionHandler An instance of ExceptionHandler describes a single exception handler in a method.
ExecutionPoint An ExecutionPoint instance encapsulates the details of a point of execution including the thread, a frame offset, the method to which the frame pertains and the bytecode index of an instruction in the method.
Field An instance of Field encapsulates the information about the field of a class.
FullMethodMetadata A FullMethodMetadata instance represents the even less frequently used information about a method body.
GarbageCollector Base class for all garbage collectors.
GC Pure static class that handles object creation and GC control and monitoring.
GeneralDecoder A byte buffer decoder can be used to decode a byte array of values encoded with a byte buffer encoder.
Isolate The Isolate class represents a "process-like" unit of computation that is isolated from other instances of Isolate.
Isolate.Breakpoint A Breakpoint instance describes a point in a method at which a breakpoint has been set.
JavaApplicationManager The Java application manager is the master isolate used to coordinate application execution.
Klass The Klass class represents the types in the Squawk VM.
KlassMetadata The KlassMetadata class is a container for all the meta-information pertaining to a class where this information is not necessarily required by the runtime system.
Lisp2Bitmap This class provides the interface to the bitmap created and used by the Lisp2Collector as a write barrier and as mark bits for the young generation.
Lisp2Collector Collector based on the lisp 2 algorithm described in "Garbage Collection : Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management" by Richard Jones, Rafael Lins.
Lisp2GenerationalCollector A collector based on the lisp 2 algorithm described in "Garbage Collection : Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management" by Richard Jones, Rafael Lins.
ManifestProperty Key value pair of values found in Suite.PROPERTIES_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_NAME main section.
Member An instance of Member encapsulates the information about the method or field of a class.
Method An instance of Method encapsulates the information about the method of a class.
MethodBody An instance of MethodBody represents the Squawk bytecode for a method as well as all the other information related to the bytecode such as exception handler tables, oop map for the activation frame etc.
MethodMetadata A MethodMetadata instance represents all the information about a method body that is not absolutely required for execution.
Modifier The Modifier class provides constants to decode class and member access modifiers.
NativeUnsafe A collection of methods for performing peek and poke operations on memory addresses.
ObjectAssociation An Object association is the logical extension of an object that is used to hold rarely used information like the monitor and hashcode.
ObjectMemory An ObjectMemory instance is an immutable wrapper for an object memory and its metadata.
ObjectMemoryEndianessSwapper A ObjectMemoryEndianessSwapper instance is used to swap the endianess of all the data values in an ObjectMemory that are accessed via direct loads by the machine where such loads assume a fixed endianess of the data.
ObjectMemoryFile An ObjectMemoryFile encapsulates all the data in a serialized object graph.
ObjectMemoryLoader This class facilitates loading a serialized object graph from a URI and relocating it.
ObjectMemorySerializer This class facilitates saving a serialized object graph to a URL.
ObjectMemorySerializer.ControlBlock A ControlBlock instance is used to pass parameters in both directions when calling the copyObjectGraph low level routine that serializes an object graph.
Offset The offset type is used by the runtime system and collector to denote the directed distance between two machine addresses.
Ref Abstract base class for reference objects.
ResourceFile Stores a resource file (name and contents) in the suite file.
ScopedLocalVariable An instance of ScopedLocalVariable encapsulates the symbolic information for a local variable that has a limited scope in a Squawk bytecode method.
ServiceOperation This class defines the global Squawk variables that are used to communicate between a normal Java thread and the Squawk system service thread.
Suite A suite is the unit of deployment/compilation in the Squawk system.
Unsafe A collection of methods for performing peek and poke operations on memory addresses.
UWord The word type is used by the runtime system and collector to denote machine word-sized quantities.
VM This is a Squawk VM specific class that is used to communicate between executing Java software and the low level core VM that is expressed in machine code.
VM.Stats Virtual machine statistics.
VMBufferDecoder A byte buffer dencoder can be used to decode a byte array of values encoded with a byte buffer encoder.
VMThread The Squawk implementation of threads.

Exception Summary
IllegalStoreException Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store a pointer from persistent memory into non-persistent memory.

Package com.sun.squawk Description

Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site