
2013 FRC Java API


Package com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.natives

Interface Summary
Ioctl java wrapper around #include
LibC Import common functions variables and constants from libc.
NetDB java wrapper around #include
Select java wrapper around #include
Socket java wrapper around BSD sockets
Time java wrapper around #include

Class Summary
LibC.stat C struct stat // struct stat { // dev_t st_dev; /* [XSI] ID of device containing file 4 0 // ino_t st_ino; /* [XSI] File serial number 4 4 // mode_t st_mode; /* [XSI] Mode of file (see below) 2 8 // nlink_t st_nlink; /* [XSI] Number of hard links 2 10 // uid_t st_uid; /* [XSI] User ID of the file 4 12 // gid_t st_gid; /* [XSI] Group ID of the file 4 16 // dev_t st_rdev; /* [XSI] Device ID 4 20 // time_t st_atime; /* [XSI] Time of last access 4 24 // long st_atimensec; /* nsec of last access 4 28 // time_t st_mtime; /* [XSI] Last data modification time 4 32 // long st_mtimensec; /* last data modification nsec 4 36 // time_t st_ctime; /* [XSI] Time of last status change 4 40 // long st_ctimensec; /* nsec of last status change 4 44 // off_t st_size; /* [XSI] file size, in bytes 8 48 // blkcnt_t st_blocks; /* [XSI] blocks allocated for file 8 // blksize_t st_blksize; /* [XSI] optimal blocksize for I/O 4 // __uint32_t st_flags; /* user defined flags for file 4 // __uint32_t st_gen; /* file generation number 4 // __int32_t st_lspare; /* RESERVED: DO NOT USE! 4 // __int64_t st_qspare[2]; /* RESERVED: DO NOT USE! 16 // };
NetDB.hostent C STRUCTURE HostEnt struct hostent { char *h_name; official name of host char **h_aliases; alias list int h_addrtype; host address type int h_length; length of address char **h_addr_list; list of addresses from name server }; #define h_addr h_addr_list[0] address, for backward compatibility
Socket.sockaddr_in C STRUCTURE sockaddr_in / struct sockaddr_in { u_char sin_len; 1 u_char sin_family; 1 u_short sin_port; 2 struct in_addr sin_addr; 4 char sin_zero[8]; 8 }; struct sockaddr { __uint8_t sa_len; /* total length sa_family_t sa_family; /* [XSI] address family char sa_data[14]; /* [XSI] addr value (actually larger) };
Time.timeval struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; // seconds since Jan.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site