
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Interface

Packages that use INorFlashMemoryHeap

Uses of INorFlashMemoryHeap in com.sun.squawk.flash

Classes in com.sun.squawk.flash that implement INorFlashMemoryHeap
 class NorFlashMemoryHeap

Uses of INorFlashMemoryHeap in com.sun.squawk.rms

Fields in com.sun.squawk.rms declared as INorFlashMemoryHeap
protected  INorFlashMemoryHeap RecordStoreManager.memoryHeap

Constructors in com.sun.squawk.rms with parameters of type INorFlashMemoryHeap
RecordStoreManager(INorFlashMemoryHeap memoryHeap)
RecordStoreManager(INorFlashMemoryHeap memoryHeap, INorFlashMemoryHeapScanner memoryHeapScanner, IRmsEntryVisitor scanVisitor, IRmsEntryVisitor reScanVisitor)


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site