
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use SizeOutOfBoundsException
com.sun.cldc.jna The CLDC/JNA package contains classes that help import native data structures and functions from Java code without writing C code. 
com.sun.squawk.realtime Provides classes for native memory access based on the javax.realtime package. 

Uses of SizeOutOfBoundsException in com.sun.cldc.jna

Methods in com.sun.cldc.jna that throw SizeOutOfBoundsException
static void Pointer.copyBytes(Pointer src, int srcOffset, Pointer dst, int dstOffset, int len)
          Copy len bytes from src to dst starting at the given offsets.

Constructors in com.sun.cldc.jna that throw SizeOutOfBoundsException
Pointer(int size)
          Create a pointer and allocate backing native memory of the requestsed size.

Uses of SizeOutOfBoundsException in com.sun.squawk.realtime

Methods in com.sun.squawk.realtime that throw SizeOutOfBoundsException
protected static void RawMemoryAccess.checkBounds(int length, int offset, int size)
          Do a bounds check on a write.
protected static void RawMemoryAccess.checkMultiBounds(int length, int offset, int number, int elemsize)
          Do a bounds check on accessing a range.
protected  void RawMemoryAccess.checkMultiRead(int offset, int number, int elemsize)
          Do a bounds check on reading a range.
protected  void RawMemoryAccess.checkMultiWrite(int offset, int number, int elemsize)
          Do a bounds check on writing a range.

Constructors in com.sun.squawk.realtime that throw SizeOutOfBoundsException
RawMemoryAccess(Object type, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.
RawMemoryAccess(Object type, long base, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.
RawMemoryFloatAccess(Object type, long size)
          Construct an instance of RawMemoryFloatAccess with the given parameters, and set the object to the mapped state.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site