
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use DriverStationEnhancedIO.EnhancedIOException
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj The WPI Robotics library (WPILibJ) is a set of Java classes that interfaces to the hardware in the FRC control system and your robot. 

Uses of DriverStationEnhancedIO.EnhancedIOException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj that throw DriverStationEnhancedIO.EnhancedIOException
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getAcceleration(DriverStationEnhancedIO.tAccelChannel channel)
          Query an accelerometer channel on the DS IO.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getAnalogIn(int channel)
          Query an analog input channel on the DS IO.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getAnalogInRatio(int channel)
          Query an analog input channel on the DS IO in ratiometric form.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getAnalogOut(int channel)
          Query the voltage currently being output.
 boolean DriverStationEnhancedIO.getButton(int channel)
          Get the state of a button on the IO board.
 byte DriverStationEnhancedIO.getButtons()
          Get the state of all the button channels.
 boolean DriverStationEnhancedIO.getDigital(int channel)
          Get the current state of a DIO channel regardless of mode.
 DriverStationEnhancedIO.tDigitalConfig DriverStationEnhancedIO.getDigitalConfig(int channel)
          Get the current configuration for a DIO line.
 short DriverStationEnhancedIO.getDigitals()
          Get the state of all 16 DIO lines regardless of mode.
 short DriverStationEnhancedIO.getEncoder(int encoderNumber)
          Get the position of a quadrature encoder.
 boolean DriverStationEnhancedIO.getEncoderIndexEnable(int encoderNumber)
          Get the current configuration of a quadrature encoder index channel.
 byte DriverStationEnhancedIO.getFirmwareVersion()
          Get the firmware version running on the IO board.
 boolean DriverStationEnhancedIO.getFixedDigitalOutput(int channel)
          Get the state being output on a fixed digital output.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getPWMOutput(int channel)
          Get the percent duty-cycle that the PWM generator channel is configured to output.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getPWMPeriod(DriverStationEnhancedIO.tPWMPeriodChannels channels)
          Get the period of a PWM generator.
 double DriverStationEnhancedIO.getTouchSlider()
          Get the value of the Capacitive Sense touch slider.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.resetEncoder(int encoderNumber)
          Reset the position of an encoder to 0.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setAnalogOut(int channel, double value)
          Set the analog output voltage.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setDigitalConfig(int channel, DriverStationEnhancedIO.tDigitalConfig config)
          Override the DS's configuration of a DIO line.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setDigitalOutput(int channel, boolean value)
          Set the state of a DIO line that is configured for digital output.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setFixedDigitalOutput(int channel, boolean value)
          Set the state to output on a Fixed High Current Digital Output line.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setLED(int channel, boolean value)
          Set the state of an LED on the IO board.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setLEDs(byte value)
          Set the state of all 8 LEDs on the IO board.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setPWMOutput(int channel, double value)
          Set the percent duty-cycle to output on a PWM enabled DIO line.
 void DriverStationEnhancedIO.setPWMPeriod(DriverStationEnhancedIO.tPWMPeriodChannels channels, double period)
          Set the period of a PWM generator.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site