
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use Function
com.sun.cldc.jna The CLDC/JNA package contains classes that help import native data structures and functions from Java code without writing C code. 

Uses of Function in com.sun.cldc.jna

Subclasses of Function in com.sun.cldc.jna
 class BlockingFunction
          BlockingFunction allows Java code to call C function that block.

Methods in com.sun.cldc.jna that return Function
 Function NativeLibrary.getFunction(String funcName)
          Dynamically look up a native function by name.
static Function Function.getFunction(String libraryName, String funcName)
          Dynamically look up a native function by name in the named library.

Uses of Function in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.natives

Fields in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.natives declared as Function
protected  Function LibCImpl.closePtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.fcntlPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.fstatPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.fsyncPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.lseekPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.openPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.readPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.statPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.unlinkPtr
protected  Function LibCImpl.writePtr


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site