
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use Klass
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 
com.sun.squawk.debugger.sda The classes that implement the Squawk VM side of the SDWP. 

Uses of Klass in com.sun.squawk

Fields in com.sun.squawk declared as Klass
static Klass Klass.ADDRESS
          The type for representing machine addresses.
static Klass Klass.ADDRESS_ARRAY
          The type for representing an array of machine addresses.
static Klass Klass.BOOLEAN
          The type for boolean.
static Klass Klass.BOOLEAN_ARRAY
          The type for boolean[].
static Klass Klass.BYTE
          The type for byte.
static Klass Klass.BYTE_ARRAY
          The type for byte[].
static Klass Klass.BYTECODE
          The type for an element of a method.
static Klass Klass.BYTECODE_ARRAY
          The type for an array of bytes that is a method.
static Klass Klass.CHAR
          The type for char.
static Klass Klass.CHAR_ARRAY
          The type for char[].
protected  Klass[] KlassMetadata.classTable
          The table of classes that are referred to from the symbols.
static Klass Klass.DOUBLE
          The type for double.
static Klass Klass.DOUBLE_ARRAY
          The type for double[].
static Klass Klass.DOUBLE2
          The type for the second word of a double value.
static Klass Klass.FLOAT
          The type for float.
static Klass Klass.FLOAT_ARRAY
          The type for float[].
static Klass Klass.GLOBAL
          The type for a class state word.
static Klass Klass.GLOBAL_ARRAY
          The type for a class state structure.
static Klass Klass.GLOBAL_ARRAYARRAY
          The type for a table of class state structures.
static Klass Klass.INT
          The type for int.
static Klass Klass.INT_ARRAY
          The type for int[].
static Klass Klass.KLASS
          The type for com.sun.squawk.Klass.
static Klass Klass.LOCAL
          The type for a slot in a stack chunk.
static Klass Klass.LOCAL_ARRAY
          The type for a stack chunk.
static Klass Klass.LONG
          The type for long.
static Klass Klass.LONG_ARRAY
          The type for long[].
static Klass Klass.LONG2
          The type for the second word of a long value.
static Klass Klass.NATIVEUNSAFE
          Container of methods for peeking and poking memory.
static Klass[] Klass.NO_CLASSES
          A zero length array of classes.
static Klass Klass.NULL
          The type for null.
static Klass Klass.OBJECT
          The type for java.lang.Object.
static Klass Klass.OBJECT_ARRAY
          The type for java.lang.Object[].
static Klass Klass.OFFSET
          The type for representing the directed distance between two machine addresses.
static Klass Klass.ONE_WORD
          The root of all single word types.
static Klass Klass.REFERENCE
          The root type for all reference types.
static Klass Klass.SHORT
          The type for short.
static Klass Klass.SHORT_ARRAY
          The type for short[].
static Klass Klass.STRING
          The type for java.lang.String.
static Klass Klass.STRING_ARRAY
          The type for java.lang.String[].
static Klass Klass.STRING_OF_BYTES
          The type for com.sun.squawk.StringOfBytes.
static Klass Klass.THROWABLE
          The type for java.lang.Class.
static Klass Klass.TOP
          The root of the verification type hierarchy.
static Klass Klass.TWO_WORD
          The root of all two word types.
 Klass ScopedLocalVariable.type
          The type of the local variable.
static Klass Klass.UNINITIALIZED
          The root type for all uninitialized reference types.
static Klass Klass.UNINITIALIZED_NEW
          The root of the types representing the result of the new bytecode before it has been passed to a constructor.
          The type for this in a constructor before the call to the super constructor.
static Klass Klass.UWORD
          The type for representing unsigned machine words.
static Klass Klass.UWORD_ARRAY
          The type for representing an array of unsigned word addresses.
static Klass Klass.VOID
          The type for void.

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return Klass
static Klass Klass.asKlass(Class c)
          Gets the Klass instance corresponding to a given Class instance.
static Klass Klass.forName(String className)
          Returns the Klass object associated with the class with the given string name.
static Klass Klass.getClass(String name, boolean isFieldDescriptor)
          Gets a class corresponding to a given name.
 Klass Klass.getComponentType()
          Returns the class representing the component type of an array.
 Klass Member.getDefiningClass()
          Gets the class that defined this field or method.
 Klass MethodBody.getDefiningClass()
          Gets the class that defined this method.
static Klass DebuggerSupport.getDefiningClass(Object methodBody)
          Gets the class in which a given method was defined.s
 Klass[] Klass.getInterfaces()
          Gets the list of interfaces implemented by this class.
 Klass ExceptionHandler.getKlass()
          Gets the subclass of Throwable caught by this handler.
 Klass ExecutionPoint.getKlass()
          Return the klass that defined the method refered to by this ExecutionPoint.
 Klass Suite.getKlass(int suiteID)
          Gets the class in this suite corresponding to a given class number.
static Klass GC.getKlass(Object object)
          Get the class of an object.
 Klass[] ClassFileMethod.getParameterTypes()
          Gets the parameter types of this method.
 Klass[] Method.getParameterTypes()
          Gets the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of this method.
 Klass ClassFileMethod.getReturnType()
          Gets the return type of this method.
 Klass Method.getReturnType()
          Gets the formal return type of this method.
 Klass[] Method.getRuntimeParameterTypes(boolean reverseParameters)
          Gets the runtime parameter types, in declaration order, of this method.
static Klass Klass.getSecondWordType(Klass type)
          Gets the type representing the second word of a double word type.
 Klass Klass.getSuperclass()
          Returns the Class representing the superclass of the entity (class, interface, primitive type or void) represented by this Class.
 Klass Klass.getSuperType()
          Gets the class representing the super type of this class in the verification type hierarchy.
 Klass ClassFileField.getType()
          Gets the type of this field.
 Klass Field.getType()
          Gets this declared type of this field.
 Klass[] DebuggerSupport.StackInspector.getTypeMap(int frameNo, Object mp, int parameterCount)
          Figure out the type map for the given frameNo and method pointer.
 Klass[] MethodBody.getTypes()
          Get the type map.
 Klass Suite.lookup(String name)
          Gets the Klass instance from this suite corresponding to a specified class name in internal form.
static Klass Klass.lookupKlass(String name)
          Look up klass in current suite or one of it's parents.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Klass
static Class Klass.asClass(Klass klass)
          Gets the Class instance corresponding to a given Klass instance, creating it first if necessary.
 boolean Suite.contains(Klass klass)
          Returns true if this suite contains the given klass.
 void TranslatorInterface.convert(Klass klass)
          Ensures that all the methods (if any) in a given class have been verified and converted to Squawk bytecodes.
static KlassMetadata KlassMetadata.create(byte[] symbols, Klass[] classTable, KlassMetadata original, int type)
          factory for stripping.
 Class ClassTunnel.create(Klass klass)
 String ClassFileMember.getFullyQualifiedName(Klass definingClass)
          Gets the fully qualified name of this field or method.
static DataType.MethodID DebuggerSupport.getIDForMethodBody(Klass definingClass, Object methodBody)
          Gets the JDWP identifier for a method given the method's body.
static String DebuggerSupport.getJNISignature(Klass klass)
          Gets the JNI signature of a klass.
static Object DebuggerSupport.getMethodBody(Klass klass, int offset, boolean isStatic)
          Gets the body of the method given a class and method table index.
static String Klass.getNames(Klass[] klasses)
          Formats the names of a given array of classes into a single string with each class name separated by a space.
 InputStream Suite.getResourceAsStream(String name, Klass klass)
          Finds a resource with a given name.
static Klass Klass.getSecondWordType(Klass type)
          Gets the type representing the second word of a double word type.
static int DebuggerSupport.getStaticInt(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset)
          Reads a static int variable.
static long DebuggerSupport.getStaticLong(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset)
          Reads a static long variable.
static Object DebuggerSupport.getStaticOop(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset)
          Reads a static reference variable.
 void DebuggerSupport.StackInspector.inspectSlot(boolean isParameter, int slot, Klass type, long value)
          Invoked to inspect the value of a primitive typed slot within a frame in the thread's call stack
 void Suite.installClass(Klass klass)
          Installs a given class into this suite.
 boolean Klass.isAccessibleFrom(Klass klass)
          Determines whether or not this class is accessible by a specified class.
 boolean Member.isAccessibleFrom(Klass klass)
          Determines if this member is accessible from a given class.
static boolean Klass.isAccessibleFrom(Klass definingClass, int modifiers, Klass accessingKlass)
          Determines if a given field or method is accessible from a given klass.
static boolean Klass.isAccessibleFrom(Member member, Klass klass)
          Determines if a given field or method is accessible from a given klass.
 boolean Klass.isAssignableFrom(Klass klass)
          Determines if the class or interface represented by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified Class parameter.
 boolean Klass.isImplementorOf(Klass anInterface)
          Determine if this class implements a specified class.
static boolean DebuggerSupport.isInitialized(Klass klass, Isolate isolate)
          Determines if a given class is initialized in a given isolate.
 boolean Klass.isInSamePackageAs(Klass klass)
          Return true if a given class is in the same package as this class.
static boolean VM.isInternal(Klass klass)
          Determines if the klass is internal, so should be retained (even if symbol gets stripped)
 void TranslatorInterface.load(Klass klass)
          Ensures that a given class has had its definition initialized, loading it from a class file if necessary.
 Field Klass.lookupField(String name, Klass type, boolean isStatic)
          Finds the Field object representing a field in this class's hierarchy.
 Method Klass.lookupMethod(String name, Klass[] parameterTypes, Klass returnType, Klass currentClass, boolean isStatic)
          Finds the Method object representing a method in this class's hierarchy.
 Method Klass.lookupMethod(String name, Klass[] parameterTypes, Klass returnType, Klass currentClass, boolean isStatic)
          Finds the Method object representing a method in this class's hierarchy.
 void Klass.setClassFileDefinition(Klass superClass, Klass[] interfaces, ClassFileMethod[] virtualMethods, ClassFileMethod[] staticMethods, ClassFileField[] instanceFields, ClassFileField[] staticFields, String sourceFile)
          Completes the definition of this class (apart from its bytecodes) based on the information parsed from a class file.
 void Klass.setClassFileDefinition(Klass superClass, Klass[] interfaces, ClassFileMethod[] virtualMethods, ClassFileMethod[] staticMethods, ClassFileField[] instanceFields, ClassFileField[] staticFields, String sourceFile)
          Completes the definition of this class (apart from its bytecodes) based on the information parsed from a class file.
static void DebuggerSupport.setStaticInt(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset, int value)
          Writes a static int variable.
static void DebuggerSupport.setStaticLong(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset, long value)
          Writes a static long variable.
static void DebuggerSupport.setStaticOop(Isolate isolate, Klass klass, int offset, Object value)
          Writes a static reference variable.
protected  void Klass.setSuperType(Klass superType)
          Sets the verification hierarchy super type of this class.
 void Suite.setUnusedClasses(Klass[] klasses)
abstract  boolean DebuggerSupport.SlotSetter.shouldSetSlot(int slot, Klass type)
          Should this slot be set?
static boolean VM.stripSymbols(Klass klass)
          Determines if all the symbolic information for a class should be stripped.

Constructors in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Klass
ClassFileConstantField(String name, int modifiers, Klass type, long constantValue)
          Creates a new ClassFileConstantField instance for a field with a primitive ConstantValue attribute.
ClassFileConstantField(String name, int modifiers, Klass type, String constantValue)
          Creates a new ClassFileConstantField instance for a field with a String ConstantValue attribute.
ClassFileField(String name, int modifiers, Klass type)
          Creates a new ClassFileField instance.
ClassFileMethod(String name, int modifiers, Klass returnType, Klass[] parameterTypes, int pragmas)
          Creates a new ClassFileMethod instance.
ClassFileMethod(String name, int modifiers, Klass returnType, Klass[] parameterTypes, int pragmas)
          Creates a new ClassFileMethod instance.
ExceptionHandler(int start, int end, int handler, Klass klass)
          Create an exception handler.
Klass(String name, Klass superType)
          Only used by UninitializedObjectClass constructor.
MethodBody(Method definingMethod, int maxStack, Klass[] locals, ExceptionHandler[] exceptionTable, int[] lnt, ScopedLocalVariable[] lvt, byte[] code, byte[] typeMap, boolean reverseParameters, boolean inlinedSuperConstructor)
          Creates a MethodBody representing the implementation details of a method.
ScopedLocalVariable(String name, Klass type, int slot, int start, int length)
          Creates a ScopedLocalVariable instance representing the symbolic information for a local variable in a Squawk bytecode method.

Uses of Klass in com.sun.squawk.debugger

Methods in com.sun.squawk.debugger with parameters of type Klass
static byte JDWP.getTag(Klass klass)
          Given a klass, returns the corresponding com.sun.squawk.debugger.JDWP.Tag value.
static byte JDWP.getTypeTag(Klass klass)
          Gets the JDWP.TypeTag_... value corresponding to a given class.

Uses of Klass in com.sun.squawk.debugger.sda

Methods in com.sun.squawk.debugger.sda that return Klass
 Klass ObjectManager.getClassForID(DataType.ObjectID objectID)


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site