
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectMemory
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 

Uses of ObjectMemory in com.sun.squawk

Fields in com.sun.squawk declared as ObjectMemory
 ObjectMemory ObjectMemoryFile.objectMemory

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return ObjectMemory
static ObjectMemory ObjectMemory.createBootstrapObjectMemory(Suite bootstrapSuite)
          Creates an ObjectMemory that is a wrapper for the bootstrap suite.
 ObjectMemory ObjectMemory.findAddress(Address address)
          Searches up a chain of object memories starting from this one for a given physical address.
 ObjectMemory ObjectMemory.findCanonicalAddress(Address canonicalAddress)
          Searches up a chain of object memories starting from this one for a given canonical address.
 ObjectMemory ObjectMemory.getParent()
          Gets the direct parent object memory of this object memory.
 ObjectMemory Suite.save(DataOutputStream dos, String uri, boolean bigEndian)
          Serializes the object graph rooted by this suite and writes it to a given stream.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type ObjectMemory
protected  Address ObjectMemoryLoader.relocateMemory(ObjectMemory parent, byte[] buffer, BitSet oopMap)
          Relocates the memory.
static void ObjectMemory.relocateParents(String uri, Object startBuffer, Address start, BitSet oopMap, ObjectMemory parent, boolean toCanonical, boolean requiresEndianSwap, boolean trace)
          Relocate all the pointers in a range of memory that point to one or more parent object memories.
static void ObjectMemorySerializer.save(DataOutputStream dos, String uri, ObjectMemorySerializer.ControlBlock cb, ObjectMemory parent, boolean bigEndian)
          Writes a serialized object memory to a given output stream.
static void ObjectMemoryEndianessSwapper.swap(ObjectMemory om, boolean toPlatform, boolean isCanonical)
          Swaps the endianess of all the data values in om that are accessed via direct loads by the machine where such loads assume a fixed endianess of the data.

Constructors in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type ObjectMemory
ObjectMemory(Address start, int size, String uri, Object root, int hash, ObjectMemory parent)
          Constructs a new object memory file.
ObjectMemoryFile(int minor, int major, int attributes, int parentHash, String parentURI, ObjectMemory objectMemory)


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site