
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use Suite
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 

Uses of Suite in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return Suite
 Suite Isolate.getLeafSuite()
          Gets the suite that is the starting point for class lookup in this isolate.
 Suite Suite.getParent()
          Gets the parent suite of this suite.
static Suite Suite.getSuite(String uri)
          Gets the Suite corresponding to a given URI, loading it if necessary.
static Suite Suite.getSuite(String uri, boolean errorOnIOException)
          Gets the Suite corresponding to a given URI, loading it if necessary.
 Suite Suite.strip(int type, String name, Suite parent)
          Creates a copy of this suite with its symbolic information stripped according to the given parameters.

Methods in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Suite
static ObjectMemory ObjectMemory.createBootstrapObjectMemory(Suite bootstrapSuite)
          Creates an ObjectMemory that is a wrapper for the bootstrap suite.
 void TranslatorInterface.open(Suite suite, String classPath)
          Opens a connection with the translator to load & create classes in the context of a given suite.
 Suite Suite.strip(int type, String name, Suite parent)
          Creates a copy of this suite with its symbolic information stripped according to the given parameters.


2013 FRC Java API


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