
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use ForceInlinedPragma
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 

Uses of ForceInlinedPragma in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that throw ForceInlinedPragma
static int GC.getArrayLength(Object array)
          Get the length of an array.
 int Klass.getDataSize()
          Gets the data size (in bytes) of the type represented by this class.
static Klass GC.getKlass(Object object)
          Get the class of an object.
 int Klass.getSuiteID()
          Gets the suite identifier for this class.
static boolean GC.inRam(Object object)
          Determines if a given object is in RAM.
 boolean Klass.isSquawkArray()
          Determines if this Class object represents an array class in the Squawk sense i.e.
static int GC.roundUpToWord(int value)
          Rounds up a 32 bit value to the next word boundry.


2013 FRC Java API


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