
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use NativePragma
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 

Uses of NativePragma in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that throw NativePragma
 Address Address.add(int offset)
          Adds a 32 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Offset Offset.add(int delta)
          Adds a value to this offset and return the resulting offset.
 Address Address.addOffset(Offset offset)
          Adds a 32 or 64 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Address Address.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this address.
 UWord UWord.and(UWord word)
          Logically AND a word with this word.
 Offset Offset.bytesToWords()
          Scales this offset which currently expresses an offset in bytes to express the same offset in words.
static int NativeUnsafe.call0(Address fptr)
          Call a function pointer with no arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call1(Address fptr, int i1)
          Call a function pointer with one arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call10(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8, int i9, int i19)
          Call a function pointer with 10 arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call2(Address fptr, int i1, int i2)
          Call a function pointer with two arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call3(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3)
          Call a function pointer with three arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call4(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
          Call a function pointer with four arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call5(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
          Call a function pointer with five arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call6(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
          Call a function pointer with six arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call7(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7)
          Call a function pointer with seven arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call8(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8)
          Call a function pointer with eight arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.call9(Address fptr, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8, int i9)
          Call a function pointer with nine arguments
static int NativeUnsafe.cancelTaskExecutor(Address taskExecutor)
static char NativeUnsafe.charAt(String str, int index)
          Gets character from a string.
static void NativeUnsafe.copyTypes(Address src, Address dst, int length)
          Block copies the types recorded for a range of memory to another range of memory.
static Address NativeUnsafe.createTaskExecutor(Address name, int priority, int stacksize)
static int NativeUnsafe.deleteNativeTask(Address ntask)
static int NativeUnsafe.deleteTaskExecutor(Address taskExecutor)
 Offset Address.diff(Address address2)
          Calculates the offset between this address an another address.
 boolean Address.eq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is equal to a given address.
 boolean Offset.eq(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is equal to a given offset.
 boolean UWord.eq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is equal to a given word.
static void NativeUnsafe.free(Address ptr)
static Address Address.fromObject(Object object)
          Casts an object reference to an address.
static Address Address.fromPrimitive(int value)
          Casts a word expressed as the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e.
static Offset Offset.fromPrimitive(int value)
          Casts an offset expressed as the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e.
static UWord UWord.fromPrimitive(int value)
          Casts a word expressed as the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e.
 boolean Offset.ge(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is greater than or equal to a given offset.
static Address NativeUnsafe.getAddress(Object base, int offset)
static int NativeUnsafe.getAsByte(Object base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 8 bit value from memory ignoring any recorded type of the value at the designated location.
static int NativeUnsafe.getAsInt(Object base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 32 bit value from memory ignoring any recorded type of the value at the designated location.
static int NativeUnsafe.getAsShort(Object base, int offset)
          Gets a signed 16 bit value from memory ignoring any recorded type of the value at the designated location.
static UWord NativeUnsafe.getAsUWord(Object base, int offset)
          Gets a UWord value from memory ignoring any recorded type of the value at the designated location.
static int NativeUnsafe.getByte(Object base, int offset)
static int NativeUnsafe.getChar(Object base, int offset)
static int NativeUnsafe.getInt(Object base, int offset)
static long NativeUnsafe.getLong(Object base, int offset)
static long NativeUnsafe.getLongAtWord(Object base, int offset)
static Object NativeUnsafe.getObject(Object base, int offset)
static int NativeUnsafe.getShort(Object base, int offset)
static byte NativeUnsafe.getType(Address ea)
          Gets the type of a value at a given address.
static int NativeUnsafe.getUnalignedInt(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the int at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static long NativeUnsafe.getUnalignedLong(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the long at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static int NativeUnsafe.getUnalignedShort(Address base, int boffset)
          Gets the short at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static UWord NativeUnsafe.getUWord(Object base, int offset)
 boolean Offset.gt(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is greater than a given offset.
 boolean Address.hi(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is higher than a given address.
 boolean UWord.hi(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is higher than a given word.
 boolean Address.hieq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is higher than or equal to a given address.
 boolean UWord.hieq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is higher than or equal to a given word.
 boolean Address.isMax()
          Determines if this address is equals to max.
 boolean UWord.isMax()
          Determines if this word is equals to max.
 boolean Address.isZero()
          Determines if this address is null.
 boolean Offset.isZero()
          Determines if this offset is 0.
 boolean UWord.isZero()
          Determines if this word is 0.
 boolean Offset.le(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is less than or equal to a given offset.
 boolean Address.lo(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is lower than a given address.
 boolean UWord.lo(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is lower than a given word.
 boolean Address.loeq(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is lower than or equal to a given address.
 boolean UWord.loeq(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is lower than or equal to a given word.
 boolean Offset.lt(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is less than a given offset.
static Address NativeUnsafe.malloc(UWord size)
          Allocate a block of memory outside of the Java heap.
static Address Address.max()
          Gets the largest possible machine address.
static UWord UWord.max()
          Gets the largest possible machine word.
 boolean Address.ne(Address address2)
          Determines if this address is not equal to a given address.
 boolean Offset.ne(Offset offset2)
          Determines if this offset is not equal to a given offset.
 boolean UWord.ne(UWord word2)
          Determines if this word is not equal to a given word.
 Address Address.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this address.
 UWord UWord.or(UWord word)
          Logically OR a word with this word.
 Address Address.roundDown(int alignment)
          Rounds this address down based on a given alignment.
 Address Address.roundDownToWord()
          Rounds this address down to a machine word boundary.
 Address Address.roundUp(int alignment)
          Rounds this address up based on a given alignment.
 Address Address.roundUpToWord()
          Rounds this address up to a machine word boundary.
static Address NativeUnsafe.runBlockingFunctionOn(Address taskExecutor, Address fptr, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8, int arg9, int arg10)
static void NativeUnsafe.setAddress(Object base, int offset, Object value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setArrayTypes(Address ea, byte componentType, int componentSize, int length)
          Sets the type of each value in an array.
static void NativeUnsafe.setByte(Object base, int offset, int value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setChar(Object base, int offset, int value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setInt(Object base, int offset, int value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setLong(Object base, int offset, long value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setLongAtWord(Object base, int offset, long value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setObject(Object base, int offset, Object value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setShort(Object base, int offset, int value)
static void NativeUnsafe.setType(Address ea, byte type, int size)
          Sets the type of a value at a given address.
static void NativeUnsafe.setUnalignedInt(Address base, int boffset, int value)
          Gets the int at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void NativeUnsafe.setUnalignedLong(Address base, int boffset, long value)
          Gets the long at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void NativeUnsafe.setUnalignedShort(Address base, int boffset, int value)
          Sets the short at the given byte offset in the memory, starting from base.
static void NativeUnsafe.setUWord(Object base, int offset, UWord value)
 Address Address.sub(int offset)
          Subtracts a 32 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
 Offset Offset.sub(int delta)
          Subtracts a value from this offset and return the resulting offset.
 Address Address.subOffset(Offset offset)
          Subtracts a 32 or 64 bit offset to this address and return the resulting address.
static void NativeUnsafe.swap(Address address, int dataSize)
          Swaps the endianess of a value.
static void NativeUnsafe.swap2(Address address)
          Swaps the endianess of a 2 byte value.
static void NativeUnsafe.swap4(Address address)
          Swaps the endianess of a 4 byte value.
static void NativeUnsafe.swap8(Address address)
          Swaps the endianess of a 8 byte value.
 int Offset.toInt()
          Casts a value of type Offset into an int.
 int UWord.toInt()
          Casts a value of type UWord into an int.
 Object Address.toObject()
          Casts this address to an object reference.
 Offset UWord.toOffset()
          Casts a value of type UWord into an Offset.
 int Offset.toPrimitive()
          Casts a value of type Offset into the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e.
 int UWord.toPrimitive()
          Casts a value of type UWord into the appropriate Java primitive type for the platform (i.e.
 UWord Address.toUWord()
          Casts this address to a UWord.
 UWord Offset.toUWord()
          Casts a value of type Offset into a UWord.
 Offset Offset.wordsToBytes()
          Scales this offset which currently expresses an offset in words to express the same offset in bytes.
static Address Address.zero()
          Gets the canonical Address representation of null.
static Offset Offset.zero()
          Gets the canonical Offset representation of null.
static UWord UWord.zero()
          Gets the canonical UWord representation of null.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site