
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use NotInlinedPragma
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 
com.sun.squawk.util Provides classes for basic utilities sometimes found in JSE (LineReader, unsynchronized Vectors, Math utilities, etc.) 

Uses of NotInlinedPragma in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that throw NotInlinedPragma
static void VM.collectGarbage(boolean forceFullGC)
          Switch to the service stack and call 'GC.collectGarbage()'
 void Klass.main(String[] args)
          Call this class's public static void main(String[]) method if it is defined.
static void VM.print(boolean b)
          Prints a boolean to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println()
          Prints a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(boolean x)
          Prints a boolean followed by a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(double x)
          Prints a double followed by a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(float x)
          Prints a float followed by a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(int x)
          Prints an integer followed by a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(long x)
          Prints a long followed by a new line to the VM output stream.
static void VM.println(String x)
          Prints a string followed by a new line to the VM output stream.

Uses of NotInlinedPragma in com.sun.squawk.util

Methods in com.sun.squawk.util that throw NotInlinedPragma
static RuntimeException Assert.shouldNotReachHere(String msg)
          Asserts that the compiler should never reach this point.
static RuntimeException Assert.shouldNotReachHere(String msg, String filename, int lineno)
protected static void Assert.throwAssertFailedException(String message)
          Create one centralized place where an exception is thrown in case of Assert failure.


2013 FRC Java API


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