
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use DigitalOutput
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj The WPI Robotics library (WPILibJ) is a set of Java classes that interfaces to the hardware in the FRC control system and your robot. 

Uses of DigitalOutput in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj

Constructors in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj with parameters of type DigitalOutput
ADXL345_SPI(DigitalOutput cs, ADXL345_SPI.DataFormat_Range range)
ADXL345_SPI(DigitalOutput clk, DigitalOutput mosi, DigitalInput miso, DigitalOutput cs, ADXL345_SPI.DataFormat_Range range)
SPIDevice(DigitalOutput cs)
          Create a new device on the SPI bus.
SPIDevice(DigitalOutput cs, boolean csActiveHigh)
          Create a new device on the SPI bus.
SPIDevice(DigitalOutput clk, DigitalOutput mosi, DigitalInput miso, DigitalOutput cs)
          Create a new device on the SPI bus.
SPIDevice(DigitalOutput clk, DigitalOutput mosi, DigitalInput miso, DigitalOutput cs, boolean csActiveHigh)
          Create a new device on the SPI bus.
Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput pingChannel, DigitalInput echoChannel)
          Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo channel and a DigitalOutput for the ping channel.
Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput pingChannel, DigitalInput echoChannel, Ultrasonic.Unit units)
          Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo channel and a DigitalOutput for the ping channel.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site