
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use IllegalStateException
com.sun.cldc.jna The CLDC/JNA package contains classes that help import native data structures and functions from Java code without writing C code. 
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 
com.sun.squawk.io.mailboxes Provides classes for inter-Isolate communication. 
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util Provides classes for utility robotics programming. 

Uses of IllegalStateException in com.ni.rio

Subclasses of IllegalStateException in com.ni.rio
static class NiRioStatus.FatalStatusException

Methods in com.ni.rio that throw IllegalStateException
 void NiRioStatus.assertNonfatal()

Uses of IllegalStateException in com.sun.cldc.jna

Methods in com.sun.cldc.jna that throw IllegalStateException
 void Pointer.free()
          Free the backing native memory for this pointer.
 void Structure.freeMemory()
          Free the backing memory for the structure.
 void Pointer.release()
          Free the backing native memory for this pointer if this pointer was created by allocating memory.
 void Structure.release()
          Release the backing memory for the structure, if it was malloced

Uses of IllegalStateException in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that throw IllegalStateException
 void Isolate.hibernate()
          Hibernate the isolate.
 void Isolate.run()
          Deprecated. This is called by the system (in Isolate.start()}, and shouldn't be called directly

Uses of IllegalStateException in com.sun.squawk.io.mailboxes

Methods in com.sun.squawk.io.mailboxes that throw IllegalStateException
protected  void Envelope.checkCallContext()
          Check that this envelope has been sent, and that the caller's isolate is the receiver of the envelope.

Uses of IllegalStateException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util

Subclasses of IllegalStateException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util
 class UncleanStatusException
          Exception for bad status codes from the chip object


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site