
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use Hashtable
com.sun.cldc.jna The CLDC/JNA package contains classes that help import native data structures and functions from Java code without writing C code. 
com.sun.squawk Provides classes for low level interactions with the Squawk VM. 
com.sun.squawk.vm Provides classes for basic Squawk VM structures. 

Uses of Hashtable in com.sun.cldc.jna

Fields in com.sun.cldc.jna declared as Hashtable
protected static Hashtable Platform.commonMappings

Uses of Hashtable in com.sun.squawk

Methods in com.sun.squawk that return Hashtable
static Hashtable VM.getManifestPropertiesOfSuite(String uri)
          A helper method to provide access to the manifest of midlet suites from outside the bootstrap.

Constructors in com.sun.squawk with parameters of type Hashtable
Isolate(Hashtable properties, int midletNum, String classPath, String parentSuiteSourceURI)
          Creates an new isolate.
Isolate(Hashtable properties, String mainClassName, String[] args, String classPath, String parentSuiteSourceURI)
          Creates an new isolate.

Uses of Hashtable in com.sun.squawk.vm

Methods in com.sun.squawk.vm that return Hashtable
static Hashtable Global.getGlobalAddrs()
          Get the hashtable of global addresses.
static Hashtable Global.getGlobalInts()
          Get the hashtable of global ints.
static Hashtable Global.getGlobalOops()
          Get the hashtable of global oops.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site