
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use NIVisionException
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.camera Provides classes for interfacing to the camera. 
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image Provides classes to access National Instrument's nivison library for machine vision enables automated image processing for color identification, tracking and analysis. 

Uses of NIVisionException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.camera

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.camera that throw NIVisionException
 ColorImage AxisCamera.getImage()
          Get an image from the camera.

Uses of NIVisionException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image that throw NIVisionException
protected static void NIVision.assertCleanStatus(int code)
 ColorImage ColorImage.colorEqualize()
          Calculates the histogram of each plane of a color image and redistributes pixel values across the desired range while maintaining pixel value groupings.
static void NIVision.colorEqualize(Pointer destination, Pointer source, boolean all)
          Calculates the histogram of each plane of a color image and redistributes pixel values across the desired range while maintaining pixel value groupings.
static void NIVision.colorThreshold(Pointer dest, Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1Range, Pointer plane2Range, Pointer plane3Range)
          Convert the given image into a binary image true where the colors match the given thresholds
 BinaryImage BinaryImage.convexHull(boolean connectivity8)
static void NIVision.convexHull(Pointer dest, Pointer source, int connectivity8)
static int NIVision.countParticles(Pointer image)
          Counts the number of particles in a binary image.
 EllipseMatch[] MonoImage.detectEllipses(EllipseDescriptor ellipseDescriptor)
 EllipseMatch[] MonoImage.detectEllipses(EllipseDescriptor ellipseDescriptor, CurveOptions curveOptions, ShapeDetectionOptions shapeDetectionOptions, RegionOfInterest roi)
static EllipseMatch[] NIVision.detectEllipses(MonoImage image, EllipseDescriptor ellipseDescriptor, CurveOptions curveOptions, ShapeDetectionOptions shapeDetectionOptions, RegionOfInterest roi)
static void NIVision.dispose(Pointer item)
          Cleans up resources associated with images, regions of interest (ROIs), arrays, and reports that you no longer need.
static void NIVision.extractColorPlanes(Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1, Pointer plane2, Pointer plane3)
          Extract the color planes from the given source image into the given planes
 void Image.free()
          Release the memory associated with an image.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getBluePlane()
          Get the blue color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getGreenPlane()
          Get the green color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
 int Image.getHeight()
          Get the height of the image in pixels.
static int NIVision.getHeight(Pointer image)
          Get the height of an image.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSIHuePlane()
          Get the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSISaturationPlane()
          Get the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSLHuePlane()
          Get the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSLSaturationPlane()
          Get the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSVHuePlane()
          Get the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getHSVSaturationPlane()
          Get the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getIntensityPlane()
          Get the intensity color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
static LinearAverages NIVision.getLinearAverages(Pointer image, LinearAverages.LinearAveragesMode mode, NIVision.Rect rect)
 MonoImage ColorImage.getLuminancePlane()
          Get the luminance color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 int BinaryImage.getNumberParticles()
          Returns the number of particles.
 ParticleAnalysisReport[] BinaryImage.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports()
          Gets all the particle analysis reports ordered from largest area to smallest.
 ParticleAnalysisReport[] BinaryImage.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(int size)
          Gets all the particle analysis reports ordered from largest area to smallest.
 ParticleAnalysisReport BinaryImage.getParticleAnalysisReport(int index)
          Get a particle analysis report for the particle at the given index.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getRedPlane()
          Get the red color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
 MonoImage ColorImage.getValuePlane()
          Get the value color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
 int Image.getWidth()
          Get the width of the image in pixels.
static int NIVision.getWidth(Pointer image)
          Get the width of an image.
static Pointer NIVision.imaqCreateImage(NIVision.ImageType type, int borderSize)
          Allocates space for and creates a new imaq image
 ColorImage ColorImage.luminanceEqualize()
          Calculates the histogram of each plane of a color image and redistributes pixel values across the desired range while maintaining pixel value groupings for the Luminance plane only.
static double NIVision.MeasureParticle(Pointer image, int particleNum, boolean calibrated, NIVision.MeasurementType type)
          Returns a measurement associated with a particle
 BinaryImage BinaryImage.particleFilter(CriteriaCollection criteria)
static int NIVision.particleFilter(Pointer dest, Pointer source, CriteriaCollection collection)
static void NIVision.readFile(Pointer image, String fileName)
          Read an image from to the given image from the given filename
 BinaryImage BinaryImage.removeLargeObjects(boolean connectivity8, int erosions)
          removeLargeObjects filters particles based on their size.
 BinaryImage BinaryImage.removeSmallObjects(boolean connectivity8, int erosions)
          removeSmallObjects filters particles based on their size.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceBluePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the blue color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
static void NIVision.replaceColorPlanes(Pointer dest, Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1, Pointer plane2, Pointer plane3)
          Replaces one or more of the color planes of a color image.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceGreenPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the green color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSIHuePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSISaturationPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSLHuePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSLSaturationPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSVHuePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the hue color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceHSVSaturationPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the saturation color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceIntensityPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the intensity color plane from the image when represented in HSI color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceLuminancePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the luminance color plane from the image when represented in HSL color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceRedPlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the red color plane from the image when represented in RGB color space.
 ColorImage ColorImage.replaceValuePlane(MonoImage plane)
          Set the value color plane from the image when represented in HSV color space.
static void NIVision.sizeFilter(Pointer dest, Pointer source, boolean connectivity8, int erosions, boolean keepLarger)
 BinaryImage ColorImage.thresholdHSI(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow, int saturationHigh, int intansityLow, int intensityHigh)
          Return a mask of the areas of the image that fall within the given ranges for color values
 BinaryImage ColorImage.thresholdHSL(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow, int saturationHigh, int luminenceLow, int luminenceHigh)
          Return a mask of the areas of the image that fall within the given ranges for color values
 BinaryImage ColorImage.thresholdHSV(int hueLow, int hueHigh, int saturationLow, int saturationHigh, int valueLow, int valueHigh)
          Return a mask of the areas of the image that fall within the given ranges for color values
 BinaryImage ColorImage.thresholdRGB(int redLow, int redHigh, int greenLow, int greenHigh, int blueLow, int blueHigh)
          Return a mask of the areas of the image that fall within the given ranges for color values
 void BinaryImage.write(String fileName)
 void Image.write(String fileName)
          Write the image to a file.
static void NIVision.writeFile(Pointer image, String fileName)
          Write an image to the given file.
static void NIVision.writeFile(Pointer image, String fileName, Pointer colorTable)
          Write an image to the given file.

Constructors in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image that throw NIVisionException
          Create a new 0x0 image.
HSLImage(String fileName)
          Create a new image by loading a file.
          Create a new 0x0 image.
          Create a new 0x0 image.
RGBImage(String fileName)
          Create a new image by loading a file.


2013 FRC Java API


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