
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use Pointer
com.sun.cldc.jna The CLDC/JNA package contains classes that help import native data structures and functions from Java code without writing C code. 
com.sun.squawk.platform.posix Classes that define and provide POSIX-specific implementations of various features of the JVM. 
com.sun.squawk.platform.windows Classes that define and provide MS Windows-specific implementations of various features of the JVM. 
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.communication Provides classes for communicating with the driver station and synchronizing with C/C++ code. 
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image Provides classes to access National Instrument's nivison library for machine vision enables automated image processing for color identification, tracking and analysis. 

Uses of Pointer in com.ni.rio

Methods in com.ni.rio with parameters of type Pointer
static void NiFpga.readFifoU32(int hClient, int channel, Pointer buf, int num, int timeout, IntByReference remaining, NiRioStatus status)
          Reads from a target-to-host FIFO of unsigned 32-bit integers.

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.cldc.jna

Subclasses of Pointer in com.sun.cldc.jna
 class VarPointer
          A pointer to a native variable that can be read/wrote from Java.

Fields in com.sun.cldc.jna declared as Pointer
protected  Pointer Structure.backingNativeMemory

Methods in com.sun.cldc.jna that return Pointer
 Pointer Pointer.align(int byteAlignment)
          Create a new pointer that is a subset of this pointer, but is aligned to byteAlignment
static Pointer Pointer.createStringBuffer(String value)
          Create a native buffer containing the C-string version of the String vaue.
 Pointer PointerType.getPointer()
          Return the underlying untyped pointer
 Pointer Structure.getPointer()
          Get the backing native memory used by this structure.
 Pointer Pointer.getPointer(int offset, int size)
          Read a ptr value from memory at offset, and construct a new pointer representing the data stored there...
static Pointer Pointer.NULL()
 Pointer Pointer.share(long offset)
          Create a new pointer that is a subset of this pointer, starting from offset
 Pointer Pointer.share(long offset, long size)
          Create a new pointer that is a subset of this pointer, starting from offset

Methods in com.sun.cldc.jna with parameters of type Pointer
 int Function.call1(Pointer p1)
 int Function.call2(int i1, Pointer p2)
 int Function.call2(Pointer p1, int i2)
 int Function.call2(Pointer p1, Pointer p2)
 int Function.call3(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3)
 int Function.call3(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3)
 int Function.call3(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3)
 int Function.call3(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3)
 int Function.call3(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3)
 int Function.call3(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3)
 int Function.call3(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3)
 int Function.call4(int i1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4)
 int Function.call4(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(int i1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, int i3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, int i2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, int i3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, int i4, Pointer p5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, int i5)
 int Function.call5(Pointer p1, Pointer p2, Pointer p3, Pointer p4, Pointer p5)
static void Pointer.copyBytes(Pointer src, int srcOffset, Pointer dst, int dstOffset, int len)
          Copy len bytes from src to dst starting at the given offsets.
 void Pointer.setPointer(int offset, Pointer ptr)
          Set the word at offset from this pointer to the the address contained in ptr.
 void PointerType.setPointer(Pointer rawPointer)
          Set the underlying untyped pointer
 void Structure.useMemory(Pointer m)
          Set the backing native memory used by this structure.

Constructors in com.sun.cldc.jna with parameters of type Pointer
PointerType(Pointer rawPointer)
Structure(Pointer backingNativeMemory)

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix that return Pointer
static Pointer SystemEventsImpl.FD_ALLOCATE()
          Allocate a new fd_struct in c memory.

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix with parameters of type Pointer
static void SystemEventsImpl.FD_COPY(Pointer fdset_orig, Pointer fdset_copy)
          replaces an already allocated fdset_copy file descriptor set with a copy of fdset_orig.
static void SystemEventsImpl.FD_ZERO(Pointer fd_set)
          initializes a descriptor set fdset to the null set

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.natives

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.posix.natives with parameters of type Pointer
 void Select.FD_CLR(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          removes fd from fdset
 void SelectImpl.FD_CLR(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 boolean Select.FD_ISSET(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          is non-zero if fd is a member of fd_set, zero otherwise.
 boolean SelectImpl.FD_ISSET(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 void Select.FD_SET(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          includes a particular descriptor fd in fdset.
 void SelectImpl.FD_SET(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 String Socket.inet_ntop(int af, IntByReference src, Pointer dst, int size)
          Takes an IPv4 Internet address and returns string representing the address in `.' notation
 String SocketImpl.inet_ntop(int arg0, IntByReference arg1, Pointer arg2, int arg3)

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.squawk.platform.windows

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.windows that return Pointer
static Pointer SystemEventsImpl.FD_ALLOCATE()
          Allocate a new fd_struct in c memory.

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.windows with parameters of type Pointer
static void SystemEventsImpl.FD_COPY(Pointer fdset_orig, Pointer fdset_copy)
          replaces an already allocated fdset_copy file descriptor set with a copy of fdset_orig.
static void SystemEventsImpl.FD_ZERO(Pointer fd_set)
          initializes a descriptor set fdset to the null set

Uses of Pointer in com.sun.squawk.platform.windows.natives

Methods in com.sun.squawk.platform.windows.natives with parameters of type Pointer
 void Select.FD_CLR(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          removes fd from fdset
 void SelectImpl.FD_CLR(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 boolean Select.FD_ISSET(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          is non-zero if fd is a member of fd_set, zero otherwise.
 boolean SelectImpl.FD_ISSET(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 void Select.FD_SET(int fd, Pointer fd_set)
          includes a particular descriptor fd in fdset.
 void SelectImpl.FD_SET(int arg0, Pointer arg1)
 String Socket.inet_ntop(int af, IntByReference src, Pointer dst, int size)
          Takes an IPv4 Internet address and returns string representing the address in `.' notation
 String SocketImpl.inet_ntop(int arg0, IntByReference arg1, Pointer arg2, int arg3)

Uses of Pointer in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.communication

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.communication that return Pointer
 Pointer FRCControl.CachedNativeBuffer.getBufferSized(int size)
 Pointer Semaphore.getPointer()
          Get the pointer to the native semaphore.

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.communication with parameters of type Pointer
static void FRCControl.setErrorData(Pointer textPtr, int length, int timeOut)
          Send data to the driver station's error panel

Uses of Pointer in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image

Fields in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image declared as Pointer
 Pointer Image.image
          Pointer to the image memory

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image that return Pointer
 Pointer CriteriaCollection.getCriteriaArray()
static Pointer NIVision.imaqCreateImage(NIVision.ImageType type, int borderSize)
          Allocates space for and creates a new imaq image

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.image with parameters of type Pointer
static void NIVision.colorEqualize(Pointer destination, Pointer source, boolean all)
          Calculates the histogram of each plane of a color image and redistributes pixel values across the desired range while maintaining pixel value groupings.
static void NIVision.colorThreshold(Pointer dest, Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1Range, Pointer plane2Range, Pointer plane3Range)
          Convert the given image into a binary image true where the colors match the given thresholds
static void NIVision.convexHull(Pointer dest, Pointer source, int connectivity8)
static int NIVision.countParticles(Pointer image)
          Counts the number of particles in a binary image.
static void NIVision.dispose(Pointer item)
          Cleans up resources associated with images, regions of interest (ROIs), arrays, and reports that you no longer need.
static void NIVision.extractColorPlanes(Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1, Pointer plane2, Pointer plane3)
          Extract the color planes from the given source image into the given planes
static int NIVision.getHeight(Pointer image)
          Get the height of an image.
static LinearAverages NIVision.getLinearAverages(Pointer image, LinearAverages.LinearAveragesMode mode, NIVision.Rect rect)
static int NIVision.getWidth(Pointer image)
          Get the width of an image.
static double NIVision.MeasureParticle(Pointer image, int particleNum, boolean calibrated, NIVision.MeasurementType type)
          Returns a measurement associated with a particle
static int NIVision.particleFilter(Pointer dest, Pointer source, CriteriaCollection collection)
static void NIVision.readFile(Pointer image, String fileName)
          Read an image from to the given image from the given filename
static void NIVision.readJpegString(Pointer image, Pointer p)
          Read a pointer to a byte array into the given image
static void NIVision.replaceColorPlanes(Pointer dest, Pointer source, NIVision.ColorMode mode, Pointer plane1, Pointer plane2, Pointer plane3)
          Replaces one or more of the color planes of a color image.
static void NIVision.sizeFilter(Pointer dest, Pointer source, boolean connectivity8, int erosions, boolean keepLarger)
static void NIVision.writeFile(Pointer image, String fileName)
          Write an image to the given file.
static void NIVision.writeFile(Pointer image, String fileName, Pointer colorTable)
          Write an image to the given file.


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site