
2013 FRC Java API


Uses of Class

Packages that use CANTimeoutException
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj The WPI Robotics library (WPILibJ) is a set of Java classes that interfaces to the hardware in the FRC control system and your robot. 

Uses of CANTimeoutException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj that throw CANTimeoutException
 void CANJaguar.changeControlMode(CANJaguar.ControlMode controlMode)
          Change the control mode of this Jaguar object.
 void CANJaguar.configEncoderCodesPerRev(int codesPerRev)
          Configure how many codes per revolution are generated by your encoder.
 void CANJaguar.configFaultTime(double faultTime)
          Configure how long the Jaguar waits in the case of a fault before resuming operation.
 void CANJaguar.configMaxOutputVoltage(double voltage)
          Configure the maximum voltage that the Jaguar will ever output.
 void CANJaguar.configNeutralMode(CANJaguar.NeutralMode mode)
          Configure what the controller does to the H-Bridge when neutral (not driving the output).
 void CANJaguar.configPotentiometerTurns(int turns)
          Configure the number of turns on the potentiometer.
 void CANJaguar.configSoftPositionLimits(double forwardLimitPosition, double reverseLimitPosition)
          Configure Soft Position Limits when in Position Controller mode.
 void CANJaguar.disableControl()
          Disable the closed loop controller.
 void CANJaguar.disableSoftPositionLimits()
          Disable Soft Position Limits if previously enabled.
 void CANJaguar.enableControl()
          Enable the closed loop controller.
 void CANJaguar.enableControl(double encoderInitialPosition)
          Enable the closed loop controller.
 double CANJaguar.getBusVoltage()
          Get the voltage at the battery input terminals of the Jaguar.
 CANJaguar.ControlMode CANJaguar.getControlMode()
          Get the active control mode from the Jaguar.
 double CANJaguar.getD()
          Get the Differential gain of the controller.
 short CANJaguar.getFaults()
          Get the status of any faults the Jaguar has detected.
 int CANJaguar.getFirmwareVersion()
          Get the version of the firmware running on the Jaguar.
 boolean CANJaguar.getForwardLimitOK()
          Get the status of the forward limit switch.
 byte CANJaguar.getHardwareVersion()
          Get the version of the Jaguar hardware.
 double CANJaguar.getI()
          Get the Intregral gain of the controller.
 double CANJaguar.getOutputCurrent()
          Get the current through the motor terminals of the Jaguar.
 double CANJaguar.getOutputVoltage()
          Get the voltage being output from the motor terminals of the Jaguar.
 double CANJaguar.getP()
          Get the Proportional gain of the controller.
 double CANJaguar.getPosition()
          Get the position of the encoder or potentiometer.
 CANJaguar.PositionReference CANJaguar.getPositionReference()
          Get the reference source device for position controller mode.
 boolean CANJaguar.getPowerCycled()
          Check if the Jaguar's power has been cycled since this was last called.
 boolean CANJaguar.getReverseLimitOK()
          Get the status of the reverse limit switch.
 double CANJaguar.getSpeed()
          Get the speed of the encoder.
 CANJaguar.SpeedReference CANJaguar.getSpeedReference()
          Get the reference source device for speed controller mode.
 double CANJaguar.getTemperature()
          Get the internal temperature of the Jaguar.
protected  byte CANJaguar.getTransaction(int messageID, byte[] data)
          Execute a transaction with a Jaguar that gets some property.
 double CANJaguar.getX()
          Get the recently set outputValue setpoint.
protected static byte CANJaguar.receiveMessage(int messageID, byte[] data)
protected static byte CANJaguar.receiveMessage(int messageID, byte[] data, double timeout)
          Receive a message from the CAN bus through the CAN driver in FRC_NetworkCommunication
protected static void CANJaguar.sendMessage(int messageID, byte[] data, int dataSize)
          Send a message on the CAN bus through the CAN driver in FRC_NetworkCommunication Trusted messages require a 2-byte token at the beginning of the data payload.
 void CANJaguar.setPID(double p, double i, double d)
          Set the P, I, and D constants for the closed loop modes.
 void CANJaguar.setPositionReference(CANJaguar.PositionReference reference)
          Set the reference source device for position controller mode.
 void CANJaguar.setSpeedReference(CANJaguar.SpeedReference reference)
          Set the reference source device for speed controller mode.
protected  byte CANJaguar.setTransaction(int messageID, byte[] data, byte dataSize)
          Execute a transaction with a Jaguar that sets some property.
 void CANJaguar.setVoltageRampRate(double rampRate)
          Set the maximum voltage change rate.
 void CANJaguar.setX(double outputValue)
          Set the output set-point value.
 void CANJaguar.setX(double outputValue, byte syncGroup)
          Set the output set-point value.
static void CANJaguar.updateSyncGroup(byte syncGroup)
          Update all the motors that have pending sets in the syncGroup.

Constructors in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj that throw CANTimeoutException
CANJaguar(int deviceNumber)
          Constructor Default to percent Vbus control mode.
CANJaguar(int deviceNumber, CANJaguar.ControlMode controlMode)

Uses of CANTimeoutException in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.can

Methods in edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.can that throw CANTimeoutException
static void CANExceptionFactory.checkStatus(int status, int messageID)
 byte JaguarCANDriver.receiveMessage(int messageID, byte[] data)
          Call receiveMessage with a default timeout parameter of 100ms
 byte JaguarCANDriver.receiveMessage(int messageID, byte[] data, double timeout)
          Wait for a message to be received from the CAN bus.
 byte JaguarCANDriver.receiveMessageComplete(int messageID, byte[] data)
          Get the result of waiting for a message to be received from the CAN bus.
 boolean JaguarCANDriver.receiveMessageStart(int messageID, Semaphore sem, double timeout)
          Start waiting for a message to be received from the CAN bus.
static void JaguarCANDriver.sendMessage(int messageID, byte[] data, int dataSize)
          Send a message on the CAN bus


2013 FRC Java API


For updated information see the Java FRC site